State of the Suncult, April 2019

Monthly updates on recent developments in the SGP.

☀ Began implementing a monthly blog post check-in with dot points (this post!) to record what’s been happening with the SGP.
Implemented a fortnightly voicechat discussion over Discord with a text channel for people without microphones to listen in and participate. See the ‘get involved’ page for more info.
After being horrified by the ads covering our old site, I coughed up the cash for some proper webhosting. Expect a lot of tweaking and formatting chaos over the next few days while I get it up and running.
☀ Represented the SGP at the Pagan Collective of Victoria’s Pagan Pride Day, recorded by the Pagan Pajama Party podcast.
Began working on expanding the glossary/quick reference guide, and divided it between general Pagan terms and SGP specific terms. Paganism has a lot of jargon!


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